Viewing Parts Of The Model Using Limit…
Scripts on this page are available here:
The scripts below are all examples on how to use the Limit… functions to view a specific part of the model, and thereby hiding the rest. This can be useful if you are working on a large model and want to avoid that the parts you are interested in get hidden behind other structure. Note that after you have run one of the scripts below, you can click Alt-A to make all of your model visible again.
View all beams where at least one of the beam’s ends are inside a bounding box: BeamsInBox.js
View everything inside a bounding box: AllInBox.js
View all beams along a line: BeamsAlongLine.js
View all pipe beams above a given Z: PipeBeamsAboveGivenZ.js

Fig. 36 The model from the B7 tutorial.

Fig. 37 The script PipeBeamsAboveGivenZ.js is used on the jacket in the B7 tutorial. 50 is used as the input for Z-value. Note that the legs are not included because the entire beam needs to be above the limit to be included.