Compartment Loads
Scripts on this page are available here:
This examples helps you to automatically create compartment loadcases for use in hydrostatic or hydrodynamic analysis.

The purpose of this example is to auto generate the hydrodynamic loadcases that defines the compartments in HydroD. Normally you would define the first loadcase as the wet surface to describe the outer wet surface and then a loadcase one by one to define each compartment. In this example all the compartment loadcases are automatically defined. You can thus save a lot of time by using the script file below.
To recreate this example you can:
1. Import the file TLP.xml. This file will generate the TLP as shown below. Please notice that the compartments to generate loadcases have been renamed to cmc* and cmp*. There are 32 compartments of type cmc and 8 of type cmp. The model has one loadcase (LC1) so far to represent the outer wet surface
2. Read in the file LC_generation.js. 40 new loadcases are now defined. These describe compartments for use in HydroD. The water density is 1025 Kg/m^3 - if you want an other density you can modify the script file.
The above technique can be used in other examples. Just name the compartments of interest and make sure you use the same names in a scriptfile.