Tubes to Shells
Scripts on this page are available here:
The focus of this example is to generate a 3D shell model based on intersecting beams modelled with tubular sections.

The utility script will convert the beams to shells with dimensions according to beam extension, thickness and eccentricity.
To generate the above scenario: Create a new GeniE workspace, read in the Make_joint_in.js, read in the Pipe_beams_to_plates_in.js and define a mesh setting.
The file Pipe_beams_to_plates_in.js can be used for other examples also.
Known limitations: Does not work for conical elements or segmented beams. The pipe-profiles (the section names) must start with the letter P.
This script will work if the units are in meter. If you want something else, then replace the unit ‘m’ with for example ‘mm’ or ‘in’ on the below lines part of the script file Pipe_beams_to_plates_in.js These lines occur two times in the script file and you thus need to modify two times.
SectRadius1 = object.segment(Seg-1).section.diameter()/2/1 m;
SectRadius2 = object.segment(Seg+1).section.diameter()/2/1 m;
SectThickness = object.segment(Seg-1).section.thickness()/1 m;