Container Ship
Scripts on this page are available here:
The panel model of this container ship has been generated by a parametric script using input variables for length, width, height and bilge radius. The panel model assumes symmetry in y direction.

The container vessel can be made by importing the script file Container_Ship_in.js into a new workspace. The mesh size is set to 4.0 m and first order finite elements are used. The finite element mesh is generated by use of the Advancing front quad mesher.
Variants of the model can now be made by modifying the parameters:
MaxBreadth=20m; (half the vessel total width)

Fig. 3 Example where AP=0m; FP=125m; MaxBreadth=40m; BilgeRad=3m; HeightTopDeck=26m;

Fig. 4 Example where AP=0m; FP=150m; MaxBreadth=30m; BilgeRad=3m; HeightTopDeck=40m;
There may be instances where you exceed the limitations of the script file. Typically if you use to large values for the bilge radius, the script will not be capable of creating shells.
It is not possible to copy all the shells (mirror) - if you want to create the other part of the hull, copy the curves and recreate the actual shells.