Sesam Examples
Last update: 22nd January 2025
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Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Shell Fatigue of Tubular Joints
This workshop addresses how to use shell fatigue, as compared to beam fatigue, to achieve more accurate calculated fatigue life by use of FE shell methodology.
It includes:
- Eigenvalue and dynamic analyses of a beam model
- Beam fatigue analysis
- Conversion of tubular joints to shell model and subsequent eigenvalue and dynamic analyses
- Shell fatigue of critical part around brace/chord connections.
It is assumed that you are familiar with the user interfaces and functionalities of Sesam. The focus of this workshop is the workflow and not details of how to run Sesam.
Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job. The attached description explains all the steps to do the workshop. -
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Comprehensive Analysis of Jacket
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Wajac, Sestra, Splice, Framework, Stofat and some auxiliary programs. It includes several analyses of a 4 legged jacket:
- Static (ULS) analysis of jacket fixed at sea floor
- Free vibration (eigenvalue) analysis of fixed jacket
- Static (ULS) analysis of jacket with piles
- Linearising piles and soil replacing them by linear springs
- Free vibration (eigenvalue) analysis of jacket with linear spring support
- Deterministic fatigue analysis
- Spectral fatigue analysis based on static structural analysis
- Spectral fatigue analysis based on dynamic structural analysis
- Spectral fatigue analysis based on equivalent static loads structural analysis
- Stochastic fatigue analysis based on dynamic structural analysis (pure beam model)
- Stochastic fatigue analysis based on dynamic structural analysis of tubular joints converted to shell models
- Earthquake analysis
- Transportation analysis with pre-stress
Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job. A document explaining the analyses is included. Select the job and go to Attachments (tab to lower right in Sesam Manager) to find this and other files related to the example. -
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Code Checking Jacket
Download ZIP file (2,406 KB)This example involves using GeniE, Wajac, Sestra and Splice. Unzip the downloaded example file and Import the Model_Start.gnx into a new GeniE workspace. This example includes:
- Running wave pile soil analysis
- Creating capacity model
- Performing code check for beam and joint
- Create a report for code check
- Redesign
A document explaining the procedure and step by step instruction is included. -
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Pushover Collapse Analysis of Jacket
This example shows how to use Usfos to do a pushover collapse analysis of a jacket. The jacket is subjected to gravity and buoyancy plus a wave that is scaled (unrealistically) to provoke a pushover collapse. The input to GeniE to create the model and run analysis activities is provided. Manual steps are taken to export the model from GeniE to Usfos and to do some minor adjustments to the Usfos input. A document attached to the job explains how to do this.
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Linear Buckling, P-Delta and Stress Stiffening Analyses of Ocean Frame Structure
This example shows how to do the three analyses types: linearized buckling, P-delta and stress stiffening. The example used to demonstrate the three analyses is an ocean frame structure (jacket). It is run as a job in Sesam Manager. Create a new job in Sesam Manager and import the ZIP file to run the example. Read the PDF document attached to the job.
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Linear Buckling, P-Delta and Stress Stiffening Analyses of Jackup Leg
This example shows how to do the three analyses types: linearized buckling, P-delta and stress stiffening. The example used to demonstrate the three analyses is a jackup leg. It is run as a job in Sesam Manager. Create a new job in Sesam Manager and import the ZIP file to run the example. Read the PDF document attached to the job.
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Computing Dynamic Amplification Factors
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Wajac, Sestra and Xtract. The example demonstrates how to do compute dynamic amplification factors (DAFs) for a slender structure subjected to wave loads. Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job.
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Gap/Contact Analysis
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Presel, Sestra, SestraGap and Xtract.
The example demonstrates how to run SestraGap to solve a contact-gap problem.
The model is a single jackup leg with a triangular prism illuding the jackup deck. The material density of the triangular prism is high so as to capture the deck mass. The edges of the prism are fixed for rotation about X and Y so as to achieve the S-shaped deformation forced by the deck. The leg bottom (three points) are fixed for the translations.
Import the ZIP file into a new job. A PDF file (JackUpLegWithGapContact.pdf) is attached and provides details on the analysis.
Note that GeniE version 8.3 offers simplified contact analysis which for many cases is adequate. Being fully controlled by GeniE this method is much simpler than the procedure of the present example. Go to a GeniE tutorial in advanced modelling and find an example of transportation analysis with contact problem to learn about contact analysis controlled by GeniE.
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Fatigue Analysis with Manually Specified Oscillating Loads
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Sestra and Framework. Create a new job in Sesam Manager and import the ZIP file to run the example.
The example demonstrates how to run a so-called direct deterministic fatigue analysis of a structure. This is a fatigue analysis with manually specified oscillating loads. (As opposed to wave loads computed by Wajac.) An example of such load is rotating machinery (with eccentric mass).
The example is a simple tower subjected to acceleration fields, horizontal and rotational, all together 4 loading situations. Each loading situation is modelled by two loads representing the two extremes of the loading situation. (For rotating machinery two concentrated forces may be used, a positive force and a negative force representing the two extreme loading situations.)
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Earthquake Analysis of Jacket
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Wajac, Sestra, Prepost and Framework. Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job. A document explaining the analyses is included.
The example demonstrates how to run an earthquake analysis based on the Sesam Manager job template TwoAnalysesAndMerge. The merging of Sestra results files is facilitated by Sesam Manager through automatic creation of the required Prepost input.
Sesam Manager - Jacket, Jack-Up and Frame Structures
Wind Fatigue Analysis
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Wajac, Sestra and Framework. It includes wind fatigue analysis of a flare boom. Read the PDF document attached to the job.
Sesam Manager - Floaters
Floater Hydrodynamic Analysis
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, HydroD, Postresp, Sestra and Xtract. The example demonstrates how to do a hydrodynamic analysis followed by a structural analysis of a floating object. Analysis of a condition with waterfilled compartments is also included. Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job. Read the PDF document attached to the job.
Sesam Manager - Various Analyses
Exporting and Importing Matrix Superelement
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Presel, Sestra 8.8 and Xtract. The example demonstrates how to create a matrix superelement which may be stored and used in later analyses. Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job. Read the PDF document attached to the job.
Note that this analysis is based on using Sestra 8.8. Sestra 10 cannot yet be used.
Sesam Manager - Various Analyses
Superelement Technique Utilized in Intact/Damaged Analysis
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Presel, Sestra and Xtract. The example demonstrates how to use the superelement technique of Sesam to do intact and damaged analyses of a module structure with three identical storeys. Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job.
Sesam Manager - Various Analyses
Tension/Compression Analysis
This example involves using Sesam Manager, GeniE, Sestra and Xtract. The example demonstrates how to analyse a module with tension-only and compression-only members. Import the ZIP file into a new Sesam Manager job. Read the PDF document attached to the job.
GeniE Learning the Basics and Getting Started B1
A small introduction to GeniE. New users should do this tutorial first. Applications used in this tutorial: Basic GeniE with no special extension, plus Sestra.
Start GeniE, from a new Sesam Manager job or from the Windows Start menu, in the DNV folder.
GeniE Snack Pack
The purpose of the GeniE Snack Pack is to give you access to a number of utilities and special functions not yet available from the graphical user interface of GeniE.
For the advanced user it is also possible to learn from these script files, for example by making your own versions of them or even by adapting them for new type of operations.
Eigenvalue Analysis for a jacket structure
This example is about Eigenvalue Analysis for a jacket structure using GeniE and Sestra. It is recommended to use the latest version of GeniE and Sestra for this task.
Couple Beam with Shell Model Using Support Rigid Link
This example demonstrates how to use the support rigid link functionality of GeniE to couple a beam element with a shell/plate model. This is typically used when a beam is partly modelled as a beam element and partly using plate/shell elements.
Support Rigid Link: Dependent and Released Rotations and More
This example demonstrates, by four different models, alternative use of the Support Rigid Link: "Include all nodes in region, released rotations", "Include all nodes in region, dependent rotations" and "Include only nodes on support points and curves in region". The last option is shown with two different sets of support curves to demonstrate the level of control of dependent nodes.
Import the ZIP file into Sesam Manager, alternatively find the GeniE gnx file in the ZIP file. Follow the instructions in the PDF that also briefly explains the difference in results.
Parametric Naming
Naming function suitable for scripting.
Parametric Modelling of Corrugated Bulkhead
This example demonstrate GeniE scripting function to make corrugated plates, by defining dimensions of corrugated plates as input parameters. Some JavaScript statements, like “for”, “if”, “do… while…”, are found in this example. Concept plates and meshing will be archived with this example script.
PLN File Export for FOWT Foundation
Download workshop files (137 KB)A .pln file is required for a Wasim analysis (time domain hydrodynamic analysis). This workshop introduces how to create a .pln file in GeniE and how to check it in HydroD.
The following topics are covered:
- Creating a .pln file for a FOWT substructure in GeniE
- Reading the .pln file in HydroD
- Checking the .pln file and make modifications in HydroDRecommended minimum program versions:
- GeniE 8.11
- HydroD 7.2
Creating reports by JScript
Download/view PDF per topic:
- Report with Illustrations
- Report loop over loadcases
- Report loop over ModelViews
- Changing view direction
Move Loads
JScript to move all loads and equipments along with the structure.
How to run Sima Runtime Engine SRE
Download ZIP file (1,173 KB)This example explains how to run Sima analysis without using graphical user interface with the help of the Sima Runtime Engine (SRE) and Sima Python library (SIMAPY). Particularly, we will run several cases of floating offshore wind turbine (OWT) coupled analysis with different sea states as a preparation to perform time domain fatigue analysis in Sesam Wind Manager.
Line Break Analysis in Sima
Download Sima stask file (696 KB)This document introduces an example model of an export system installation with line break scenario, as shown in Figure 1-1. There are 7 mooring lines and one Oil Offloading Line (OOL) line that are connected to an Oil Offloading Buoy (OOB). In the simulation, three mooring lines (line 1, line 2 and line 6) will be disconnected from the OOB.
Air Gap Analysis of Tension-Leg Platform
Download Sima stask file (851 KB)This document introduces an example model of a tension-leg platform with defined diffracted wave fields and air gap check points, as shown in Figure 1-1. There are 10 risers and 12 tendons connected to the TLP. Two air gap check points are defined with one above the body origin of the TLP and another one close to the column of the TLP.
Wet Towing of a Spar Wind Turbine
Download Sima stask file (812 KB)This example introduces wet towing operation of a spar-type floating offshore wind turbine by three towboats in a relatively calm wave and wind condition. A common towing configuration, featuring a leading towboat and two supporting towboats, is used. Additionally, the functionality of dynamic positioning (DP) system of the towboats is also demonstrated.
Turret moored FPSO
Download Sima stask file (423 KB)The example shows how an internal turret can be modelled for single-point mooring.
The floater consists of two bodies, FPSO and Turret. FPSO is a typical SIMO-type body that can freely move in 6-DOFs. Turret is a special SIMO-type body that was designed for fixed, prescribed, or articulated structures.
FPSO Jumper
Download Sima stask file (1,191 KB)This document introduces an example of modelling of a complex system including a free-standing hybrid riser tower with jumpers and a vessel with bell mouths. as shown in Figure 1-1. The FPSO is modelled as Support Vessel and connected with gas jumper, water jumper, production jumpers and control cables through bell mouths on the side of FPSO.
Pipe Layer
Download Sima stask file (1,069 KB)This document introduces an example model of a pipe layer vessel conducting pipe laying operation, as shown in the figure. The pipe layer has a stinger at the stern of the vessel. The pipe is supported by the stinger and lowering towards the seabed.
15MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
Download Sima stask file (2,041 KB)This document introduces an example of a 15MW floating offshore wind turbine (FWT) model built in Sesam software Sima. The 15MW FWT model consists of a rotor nacelle assembly, a tower, a Semi-submersible foundation and a 3-line mooring system. A ROSCO controller is used in this model, the aero-hydro-servo-elastic coupling is considered.
Getting Started with SimaPy
Download ZIP file (20 KB)SimaPy is a Python library that can be used to interact with Sima. It can be used to create new Sima models, modify existing models, and run simulations without using the Sima GUI. SimaPy is mainly useful to automate the modelling of Sima analysis, which we will learn in this example.
Multibody Floating Photovoltaic (FPV) Concept
Download ZIP file (2,706 KB)This example introduces the modelling of a floating photovoltaic (FPV) array. The modelling is performed by creating a single floater as the base model and then copying the rest of the model using SimaPy library in Python.